Carte de fidélité
Gagnez des points et échangez-les contre des récompenses
Sign Up
Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program
Earn Points
Acheter un article
Get 1 point for every 1 FCFP spent
Devenez membre du site
Get 2 000 points
Redeem Rewards
-10%, valable sur tous les articles de la boutique
10 000 Points = 10% off for all store products
Have you reached 10,000 points ?
Your loyalty card
1. Check your mailbox
An email confirming your balance and the availability of your reward will be sent to the address you provided to us.
2. Access your reward
On the site, log in to your member area.
Click on your photo, then “My Rewards”.
3. Retrieve your promo code
Select the reward you want to use.
Rewards are not cumulative.
Click “Get Coupon”.
A new box is displayed. Click “Use”.
4. Copy your promo code
Back on the “Rewards” window, click on the “Copy code” button.
5. Apply your promo code to your order
After selecting the products you wish to purchase, go to your shopping cart.
- Click on “Enter a promo code”
- Paste the code in the field provided for this purpose (right click --> paste)
- Click "Apply"
6. Your 10% discount is effective
The discount is automatically applied to each product in your order.